Surviving | Thriving | African American | Rallying | Support
A Community Health Service
To Educate, Encourage, and Empower breast cancer survivors and co-survivors and to be visible and vocal in the fight against breast cancer.
(901) 319-9099
Please call for more information about support
services, or give your physician
permission for us to contact you.
“I’m stronger than I thought I was. My favorite phrase has been ‘This, too, shall pass.’ I now understand it really well.”
Robin Roberts, Good Morning America anchor
We are surviving and thriving through encouragement, education, and empowerment!
We fight with many weapons:
Some of us have undergone surgery, some are in therapy with cancer killing drugs, and some are participating in research trials. Many of us rely on faith and trust in God. Most important, we’re all fighting and we’re doing it together!!

Are determined to win the battle over cancer, to LIVE, and to have FUN doing it!
© 2024 STAARS of Memphis Organization.
FYI Risk Factors:
Gender (Female)
Age (risk increases with age)
Gene mutation (genetics)
Family history
Personal history